So you have raised your funds, had a great jumbo cheque presentation and you have got an awesome photo with all your supporters and your big cheque. Now how do you tell the world about your incredible achievement?
Use a professional PR service
If you really want the best results, consider using a professional service. A professional PR (public relations) service will already have the format set up, the skills to write your release in a way that will appeal to journalists and they will have access to a ready prepared list of media contacts. The cost doesn't have to be massive but it is well worth the investment. If you are looking for a great PR service try the experts at www.pnwmedia.co.uk.
If you really want to give it a go yourself here are some tips to help you to get the best from your efforts.
Get to know your local media
It takes a bit of research but with some effort you can get together a good list of local media contacts to share your story with. Get a local paper and check the bottom of good news stories to find the reporter that covers them in your area. Check Supermarkets for free papers and find out if you have a local free magazine. All of these people will be interested in your good news.
Don't presume that journalists are waiting for you
Journalists are busy people and have lots of different stories landing on their desks every day. Try to give them a call to introduce yourself before you send a media release through so that they are expecting it, check that they are the right person and don't be disappointed if they don't drop everything to speak to you on the first call.
Write a professional media release
Journalists get bombarded with news and stories every day, fishing out the good ones is a tough job for them so make it easy with a media release that does some of the hard work for them. A simple clear layout, good headline & clear font, will all be appreciated by a busy journalist.
Write like a journalist
Remember that people reading this story will probably not know about you, your charity, business or cause so give a bit of background information to add context. Write in the third person. If you want to make a comment, give a quote: Mr Smith said: ".....".
Include a picture and caption
Make sure that you include a great picture with your story. Don't forget to add a caption saying who is in the picture. Read our article: Top Tips for a Perfect Jumbo Cheque Picture.
Remember it's a story not a sales pitch
If you are a business don't make your release too sales orientated. Focus on the story, achievement or cause, who did what, how much you raised and what the money will help with. There is a fine line between news and advertising and if you try to put too much emphasis on promoting your business or products your story will be seen as an advertisement and lose impact... You'll probably get a sales call from the newspapers advertising team too.
Don't expect the front page
News is a fast-paced business. Journalists have to juggle good news stories with breaking news and commercial content. If a big scoop hits your story might not get the prime spot you think it deserves or it might get pushed into the next edition. Remember, it is unwise to argue with or dictate to journalists, you might get published, you might not, you might get page two one day or page 23 another; whatever you think you deserve, it is always the Editor that has the final say.